Duc Hoang

  • 見せるよ、俺が見てる日本

    「計算できないだべ?俺の勝ち…な」「石山のとこ行きたいって、おめぇばかだべ」「イノシシ、食べてみ」「イノシシの牙をあげる、一千万…な」 大平じいさん There’s something transformative that happens when we, the younger generation, step out of our comfort zones and into the unknown. Each journey, each moment of uncertainty, isn’t just about losing our way—it’s about rediscovering ourselves in places we… Continue reading

  • A learned lesson from startup — prepare to be unprepared

    From October 2023 to December 2023, my team and I worked on a startup idea and pitched it at a product expo. Our project, TechScout, is a student-focused platform designed to bridge the gap between theory and practice, aiding students… Continue reading

    A learned lesson from startup — prepare to be unprepared
  • Move by move: Life lessons on and off the chessboard

    I started playing chess when I was 5 years old. My grandpa, seeing his little grandson who could never sit still for more than three minutes, got me a chess set. He began showing me how to play. The first… Continue reading

    Move by move: Life lessons on and off the chessboard